A bit of history …

Today I went with my oldest grandchild to school for the first time. Her mother thought we did the right thing when we took her to Colegio Ingles, instead of any other nursery. She wants to give to her still young baby, the same chances she had; being in the best hands, hands of professionals with extensive experience and knowledge.


Why Colegio Ingles? – It’s scary to look back. 40 years ago, Ann, with an English formation, thought that the younger children were such complete individuals that they should be treated with closeness and affection, but with a clear methodology. Alongside Ann, M ª Dolores and Maria José they started the school project together in Valencia. A great adventure which 40 years later is still going on each time you sign on the most precious treasure in your lives: your children.


The goal was clear, apart from teaching English skills; we should provide our students with early tools for future learning.


It has been 40 years of work and happiness. We currently have twenty children from our old alumni. This has made us reflect onto what we have been, and still are, a pioneer nursery in the education industry, which does not lower its guard and who still believes in teaching, our method, knowledge and care.

We were lucky to have our nursery, as we had the best children, parents who have actively taken part in the school project and a professional team who has always been avant-garde.

It was easy; we work at ease on a task we love: TEACHING.


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